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Our Work

Northside Greenspace Inc. works to maintain the mature forests and natural areas that surround the neighborhood of Northside, Cincinnati. These hillside greenspaces — Parker Woods, Buttercup Valley, and Badgely Run, all owned or managed by the Cincinnati Park Board — represent some of the nicest preserves in the city, and all are within walking distance of anywhere in Northside.

Natural communities, just like human communities, are healthy when they are diverse — when they have many different kinds of native plants and animals living in them. The diverse plants of a thriving natural community form a solid base of food and shelter for the complex web of life that represents a ecosystem: countless microorganisms, insects and other invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, birds, and mammals.

Most of our present activities are directed at removing invasive vegetation in Buttercup Valley Preserve and in Parker Woods, and in planting native species propagated from local seed.

Ongoing Projects


Buttercup Valley Nature Preserve

Buttercup Valley Nature Preserve is a Northside park donated to the city in 1973 after failed efforts to develop the land for an apartment complex. The park entrance is located at the east end of Stanford Drive in Northside. Turn right (east) onto Stanford from Hamilton Ave., which is about one mile north of Knowlton’s Corner.


Parker Woods Nature Preserve

Parker Woods Nature Preserve is the largest of the Northside parks and is named after Alexander Langland Parker, who sold the property for the park to the city. The park entrance is located at Haight and Bruce Avenues. Turn right (east) onto Bruce from Hamilton Avenue about one half mile north of Knowltons Corner.


Badgley Run Park

Badgley Run Park is a small park in Northside named after Robert Badgley, one of the early settlers of Cumminsville. The southern entrance to Badgley Run is on Washburn Street just west of its intersection with Kirby Road.


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